20+ Wineries
Within 2 Miles
It's Thirsty Thursday Everyday at Tiffany Vineyards, with over 30+ wineries in the Greater Sacramento area - that means checking out a new winery every day of the month. Let's find reasons to celebrate everyday, while doing so responsibly.
Clarksburg Wine Company
35265 Willow Avenue | Clarksburg, CA 95612
916-744-1345 Ext 1
Open Daily 11am - 5pm www.clarskburgwineco.com
Bogle Vineyards & Winery
37783 Road 144 | Clarksburg, CA 95612 916-744-1139
Open Daily 10am - 5pm www.boglewinery.com
Carvalho Family Winery
37783 Road 144 | Clarksburg, CA 95612 916-744-1625
Saturday & Sunday 12am - 5pm www.carvalhofamilywinery.com
Rendez-Vous Winery
37783 Road 144 | Clarksburg, CA 95612 916-744-1991
Saturday & Sunday 12am - 5pm www.rendez-vouswinery.com
37783 Road 144 | Clarksburg, CA 95612 916-573-1125
Wed-Thurs 1-5pm | Fri-Sun 12-5pm www.draconisvineyards.com
Vino De Oro Vineyard
37783 Road 144 | Clarksburg, CA 95612 530-303-8040
Saturday-Sunday 11-5pm www.vinodeoro.com
Kirchhoff Family Wines
37783 Road 144 | Clarksburg, CA 95612 916-206-0398
Saturday-Sunday 11-5pm www.kirchhoffwines.com
Scott Harvey Wines
37783 Road 144 | Clarksburg, CA 95612 209-226-8889
Saturday-Sunday 11-4pm www.scottharveywines.com
Heringer Estates
37375 Netherlands Rd | Clarksburg, CA 95612 916-744-1094
Open Daily 11am-5pm www.heringerestates.com
Miners Leap Winery
54250 South River Rd, Clarksburg CA 95612
Friday-Sunday 12-5pm
Three Wine Company
37783 Road 144 | Clarksburg, CA 95612 916-744-1300
Wed-Thurs Appt | Fri-Sun 11am-5pm www.threewinecompany.com
Todd Taylor
35265 Willow Avenue | Clarksburg, CA 95612
Saturday-Sunday 12-5pm www.toddtaylor.wine
Elevation Ten
37783 Road 144 | Clarksburg, CA 95612 916-744-1710
Friday - Monday 10:30 - 4:15pm www.elevationten.com
Due Vigne Winery
37783 Road 144 | Clarksburg, CA 95612 916-744-1498
Saturday & Sunday 12am - 5pm www.duevigne.com
Bump City
37783 Road 144 | Clarksburg, CA 95612 916-425-0556
Friday -Sunday 11-5pm www.bumpcitywineco.com
Seka Hills Wines
37783 Road 144 | Clarksburg, CA 95612 530-796-0188
Wednesday-Sunday 11-5pm www.sekahills.com
Bonitata Boutique Wines
37783 Road 144 | Clarksburg, CA 95612 530-305-0449
Saturday-Sunday 11-5pm www.bonitataboutiquewine.com
Grand Island Vineyards
12484 Highway 160 | Walnut Grove, CA 916-775-2111
Friday-Sunday 10-5pm www.grandislandvineyards.com
Lambeth Family Vineyards
33912 South River Road
Clarksburg, CA 95612
Julietta Winery
51221 Clarksburg Rd, Clarksburg, CA 95612
Open Daily 12-6pm
Twisted Rivers Wines
36530 Riverview Dr, Clarksburg CA 95612
Saturday-Sunday 12-4pm

River Life
Favorite Spots on the River
Water is therapeutic. It triggers our parasympathetic nervous system. It's cool colors calm us, while providing energizing effects on our minds and bodies. Combine that with tasty cocktails and some of the finest farm-to-fork cuisine in Sacramento - then it's game over.
Experience our favorite watering holes and beaches on the Sacramento River. Each of these spots can easily be a full day adventure, so remember to designate a driver, and remember all of your reasons to celebrate life.

So Much to Do,
So Little Time.

Breakfast at Tiffany's AirBNB
Breakfast at Tiffany's in Davis.

Stay at Breakfast at Tiffany's in Davis, a newly renovated AirBNB, less than 10 minutes from the UC Davis campus. Experience the charm and energy of this college town, while enjoying a private backyard putting green and bicycles to explore the best of Davis.
Breakfast at Tiffany's in Downtown Sac

Stay at Breakfast at Tiffany's in Downtown Sacramento, a newly renovated AirBNB, less than 7 minutes from Downtown Sacramento. Walk to the Deep Water Channel in West Sacramento and enjoy paddle-boarding and all the best of Sacramento River Life.